"The most comprehensive seminar regarding HDR career development to date. I would usually have to attend 3 or more separate workshops to get all the info I got at this session. Please keep doing this."
- Griffith University Student - Strategies for Success and Career Planning for HDRs Workshops, Jul 2017
"Shari is amazing. Many thanks for bringing her to GU."
- Griffith University Student - Strategies for Success and Career Planning for HDRs Workshops, Jul 2017
"Great dynamic, made it easy and comfortable to share thoughts/opinions."
- Latrobe University Student - Finding a Work Life Balance Workshop, May 2017
"I found the workshop very useful and most importantly fun and engaging. Thank you."
- Macquarie University Student - Communicating Effectively Workshop, Nov 2016
“Should be compulsory! Thank you - it's great to be reminded of these things.”
- UNSW Student - How To Keep Going When The Going Gets Tough: Practical Tips for Thriving in Research Workshop, Oct 2016
"Keep these sessions happening, they are extremely useful."
- University of Queensland Student - Managing the Gap Workshop, Aug 2015
"Let's keep having these workshops more often. The facilitator (DR Shari) was very knowledgeable."
- Western Sydney University Student - Career Shaping, Planning for the Future : Resume's and Selection Criteria Workshop, Jun 2017

Supervisor sessions are available as 1.5 hour online webinars or 3 hour in-person workshops. They are focussed on assisting supervisors to develop skills to enhance their supervisory process as well as to maintain their wellbeing.
Additional topics are able to be developed. Contact Shari if you require development of a session to support your supervisor taining program.
Simple strategies for supporting HDR candidates' mental health
Recognising signs of mental health issues
Responding and suggesting support
Promoting positive psychological wellbeing
Boosting HDR candidates’ coping and confidence
Preparing for and managing disappointments
Reinforcing strengths to enhance performance
Providing constructive feedback
Managing relationships with HDR candidates: communication and personality styles
Overview of personality and communication styles
Communicating and working together
Facilitating positive supervisory relationships
Juggling skills for supervisors
Managing multiple workload demands
Maintaining wellbeing while juggling
Supervising tips
Maintaining your sanity as a supervisor: stress management
Understanding stress/ors
Clarifying supervisory expectations and boundaries
Maintaining positive psychological functioning