"The most comprehensive seminar regarding HDR career development to date. I would usually have to attend 3 or more separate workshops to get all the info I got at this session. Please keep doing this."
- Griffith University Student - Strategies for Success and Career Planning for HDRs Workshops, Jul 2017
"Shari is amazing. Many thanks for bringing her to GU."
- Griffith University Student - Strategies for Success and Career Planning for HDRs Workshops, Jul 2017
"Great dynamic, made it easy and comfortable to share thoughts/opinions."
- Latrobe University Student - Finding a Work Life Balance Workshop, May 2017
"I found the workshop very useful and most importantly fun and engaging. Thank you."
- Macquarie University Student - Communicating Effectively Workshop, Nov 2016
“Should be compulsory! Thank you - it's great to be reminded of these things.”
- UNSW Student - How To Keep Going When The Going Gets Tough: Practical Tips for Thriving in Research Workshop, Oct 2016
"Keep these sessions happening, they are extremely useful."
- University of Queensland Student - Managing the Gap Workshop, Aug 2015
"Let's keep having these workshops more often. The facilitator (DR Shari) was very knowledgeable."
- Western Sydney University Student - Career Shaping, Planning for the Future : Resume's and Selection Criteria Workshop, Jun 2017

Resilient Researcher workshops are specifically tailored to meet the needs of your research cohort and institution’s requirements.
Workshops are typically 3 hours in duration or can be combined into full day programs.
Some of the most popular workshops are listed below. Alternative workshops can also be designed upon request.

Psychological Health
Getting started on the right foot
This workshop focusses on managing issues which may be impactful during the initial months of your research degree. Attendees will identify preventative strategies and pro-active steps to enhance the initial research experience and facilitate a positive research experience.
Workshop Components
Exploring expectations of the research program
Identifying strategies to manage common issues e.g., uncertainty, time management, supervisors
Clarifying information and support available during the research program
Developing goal setting and action planning skills to facilitate progression.
Being a resilient researcher
Managing stress and looking after ourselves are key components of being resilient during difficult times. This workshop focusses on positive psychological and practical ways to maintain resilience and wellbeing throughout the research degree.
Workshop Components
Exploring issues impacting on psychological wellbeing and performance during the research degree
Developing an understanding of anxiety and stress and skills to manage effectively
Identifying self-care activities and support networks
Building strategies to optimise performance.
Thinking resiliently as a researcher
Unhelpful thought patterns impact on psychological wellbeing and may impede research progression. This workshop explores negative thought patterns and highlights skills to think resiliently and positively.
Workshop Components
Recognising cognitive processes and identifying unhelpful thought patterns e.g., imposter syndrome
Practicing skills such as, evidence and perspective taking, to modify reactions to issues
Identifying strengths and values to build self-confidence in abilities and increase motivation
Creating a framework for thinking positively, confidently and resiliently throughout the research degree and beyond.
Maintaining the balance
Are you juggling multiple activities during your research degree and in general life? Do you find it difficult to look after yourself? This workshop focusses on strategies to keep your balance in order to function as effectively as possible.
Workshop Components
Exploring the impact of multiple demands impact on psychological wellbeing and research progression
Identifying strategies to maintain self-care, research progression and life balance
Developing an understanding of positive psychology principles relating to resilience
Commencing an action plan facilitating a balanced life.

Communication & Relationship Building
Communicating positively
Do you experience communication difficulties or misunderstandings with your peers or supervisor? Can you speak assertively to deliver clear messages and maintain relationships? Are you aware of your conflict style and how respond to issues effectively? In this workshop you will develop skills to communicate positively with others.
Workshop Components
Recognising personal factors impacting on your communication with others
Developing an understanding of communication styles and assertive communication strategies
Identifying your conflict resolution style and conflict management skills
Practicing clear messaging to facilitate positive communication and relationships.
The emotionally intelligent researcher
Emotional intelligence (EI) - the ability to understand ourselves and others – is central to career and personal success. In this workshop we will explore the five key principles of emotional intelligence to improve our functioning and our ability to build stronger working relationships.
Workshop Components
Developing an understanding of the key components of emotional intelligence
Using EI principles to enhance research performance
Identifying practical strategies for communicating effectively in your research relationships
Building a stronger self-understanding and an awareness of how to modify behaviour to optimise interactions with others.
Spreading the word (presenting & networking)
Do you experience discomfort at the thought of presenting your research at conferences? Does the idea of forming connections a.k.a. networking make you quake? Mastering these activities is vital for creating a positive research experience and post PhD future.
Workshop Components
Understanding the psychological barriers associated with presenting and/or networking
Identifying strategies to work within your capabilities
Preparing to communicate effectively e.g., networking topics, answering difficult questions
Practicing networking and communication skills.
Building connections (networking only)
Do you think networking is a dirty word? Building connections, or networking, skills is a key component for creating potential research collaborations and future career options. In this workshop we explore and identify strategies to enable you to feel more comfortable with networking.
Workshop Components​
Managing anxiety and building confidence
Understanding how to adapt your communication style according to the situation and context
Practicing skills in ‘small talk’
Identifying how to connect, and maintain contact, with people.

Career Shaping & Development
Understanding your skills
Are you aware of the skills you are developing/ have developed during your research degree? Do you know what skills are valued by employers? Can you articulate your skills so that employers will understand why you will be a benefit to them? This workshop will answer those questions and more!
Workshop Components
Identify skills you have developed/ are developing during your research degree
Understand how to articulate your skills to academic and non-academic employers
Identify opportunities and strategies to facilitate ongoing skills building
Creating career opportunities
Are you aware of the how to access the 'hidden' job market? Do you know what you can do now to start creating your career on completion of your research degree? This workshop focusses on identifying activities you can improve employability prospects at the end of your research degree. This workshop includes:
Workshop Components
Explore the ‘hidden’ job market and how to access it
Identified strategies to connect with potential future employers
Commenced an action plan to facilitate your career development
Mastering your resume & selection criteria
Your application documents are often the first information a potential employer receives about you. Thus, it is important to be able to effectively prepare your resume and to respond to selection criteria. This workshop will assist you to master writing application documents.
Workshop Components
Preparing application documents for academic and non-academic positions
Highlighting your skills and benefits to employers
Receiving feedback on your current resume and practiced responding to a selection criterion
Identifying strategies to overcome resistance (if any) to application processes
Interview know-how
Do you feel anxious at the prospect of an interview? Are you aware of different interview questions and how to respond? Being able to maintain your calm, present yourself confidently and express your attributes are key to successful interviews. This workshop includes:
Workshop Components
Understanding different interview styles and questions
How to respond effectively to questions
Strategies to manage anxiety prior to and during the interview
Preparation and follow-up tips

PhD progression
Managing the gap
While submitting your dissertation is an exciting time, it can also be a period of uncertainty and loss of direction. This workshop focusses on assisting you to identify potential activities you can undertake to maintain your psychological wellbeing and develop your career during this period. This workshop includes:
Workshop Components​
Identifying common adjustment issues post-submission
Strategies to build and maintain positive psychological wellbeing
Career development activities e.g., updating resume, job search strategies
Preparing to responding to comments, submitting thesis and graduation